Student Research Competition, ACM ASSETS 2016 [deadline: 24 June]

About two weeks left until the deadline for ASSETS’16 SRC!

If you are an undergraduate or graduate student working on accessible computing or assistive technologies, we invite you to submit a two-page contribution to the ASSETS 2016 Student Research Competition (SRC). Authors of accepted submissions will present a poster summary of their contribution to a panel of experts at the conference. The top three undergraduate and top three graduate poster presenters will then present their research to the conference audience. All accepted SRC submissions will be published in the conference proceedings and the best presentations will receive a prize.

The SRC offers a fantastic opportunity to attend the conference and meet the community.
We have a high quality panel of reviewers consisting of Richard Ladner (University of Washington, USA), Christopher Power (University of York, UK), Shari Trewin (IBM Research, USA), Annalu Waller (University of Dundee, UK) and Michelle Williams (Intel, USA).

If you are selected to participate, ACM’s SRC program covers expenses up to $500 US (courtesy Microsoft Research).

This year’s ASSETS conference is taking place in Reno, Nevada, USA from October 24th to 26th, 2016. Submission deadline for the SRC is 24 June 2016.

Interested? Check further information at:

Anke Brock (Inria Bordeaux) & David Flatla (University of Dundee)
Chairs of the Student Research Competition at ASSETS 2016

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